
martes, 29 de enero de 2013


MAN IN SEA es el primer video de mi EP, que es tambien el titulo de mi EP. La cancion es una de mis preferidas y la hice con Andy Clockwise en su estudio hace mas de un ano. Ese dia fue muy bonito por que estaba Hetty mi amiga de Australia. Y nos tomabamos thes con ella cuando nos cansabamos de trabajar y cantabamos canciones de ABBA con ella y Stella.  Esta cancion fue una de las mas dificiles por que es una carta para una persona que ame, que amo, pero ahora en diferentes maneras. El video lo rode en Madrid, Paris y Los Angeles.

Man in Sea is the first video off of the Bella Darling EP also titled Man in Sea. This song is one of my favorites off the album that I did with Andy Clockwise in his studio over a year ago. It was special recording at Andy's because Hetty was in town and we would drink teas with her during our breaks, or have ABBA sing alongs with Stella and Hetty. The video was shot in December 2012 in Madrid, Paris and Los Angeles.

direction/edit by : bella medrano
shot by: bella medrano and sky owen richards
additional camera and loads of love and help from simona wonderwall

starring, bret roberts, edouard polycarpe, andy clockwise, pepa salazar, hyunha park, margounnette, simona wonderwall and bianca demaria.

special thanks to: Laura Vandall, Edgar Candel Kerri, Mario Chavarria, Zaida Rodriguez, Carlos Diez,  Ana Rallo, and Ricardo Cavolo and OF COURSE THE BEAUTIFUL HUMANS IN THIS VIDEO

white cape by CARLOS DIEZ

jueves, 3 de enero de 2013


London, i love you well,
well enough to tell the world
well enough to sit on top of the highest mountain screaming your name
now I sit in a park in los angeles, writing this letter to you,
people are complaining about the weather,"its cooler than its been ever",
but london you are far worst, you're so cold that my hands start to hurt
you're so cold that i turn blue,
but this is the way that i want you